How to Place your Orientation Reservation
1. Log in to FAU Student Onboarding Portal ( portal using your FAUNet ID and password. If you do not know your FAUNet ID, click "Claim NetID".
FAU Student Onboarding Portal
2. Navigate to the module titled "SOAR" to be directed to the orientation reservation system.
3. Complete the entire reservation system following through the pages on the left. The session dates that appear on your account show available sessions for your campus, major, and student type. If a particular session does not appear, it is likely full or not available for your major or campus. If NO dates appear, then please go back and confirm your campus and major.
4. At the end of My Reservation, you must submit payment for your orientation reservation. Please submit your orientation fee payment in order to reserve your spot. If a session fills before you submit your payment, you must return to the "Dates" page and select another orientation session. For your convenience, do not make travel arrangements until you have received your confirmation email.
5. Once payment is received, you will receive confirmation emails to your FAU email account. Please refer to those emails for further details on your orientation session.